Friday, November 24, 2006

I Am Thankful

Okay, this is going to be corny. It just is. So, if you're not in the mood to hear it just go to another blog now. I'm feeling mighty thankful today and I don't feel like hiding it!

Yesterday was my 35th birthday and it happened to fall on Thanksgiving. When people realized it was my birthday, and that I would be cooking for 11 people, I got a lot of "Oh, that sucks!" and "Dude... I can't believe you have to do all that work on your birthday!" Well, I have to say, spending my birthday cooking for my family, eating with them, laughing with them... It was the best day I could have asked for.

Russ and I got up around 9:00 and spent most of the day preparing food. He took breaks to watch the Lions game, and I took breaks to field birthday calls, but we worked hard. I love cooking with Russ. We make a pretty damn good team. At four o'clock, everyone showed up as we were putting turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, white-trash crab salad, green bean casserole, biscuits, and gravy on the table. My sister-in-law brought the yams (amazing!) and my mom brought a family tradition we call carrot pudding. It was a pretty great meal, if I do say so myself.

By 8:00, we were all full and exhausted and, when everyone left, Russ and I sat back on the couch feeling pretty great.

Then! Then! We had friends come over around 10PM, after their Thanksgivings were over. It was impromptu and unexpected and wonderful. We picked at some leftovers and laughed a lot at our Thanksgiving stories. I even texted with another close friend who was already heading home and too tired to come by. Our friends left around midnight and Russ and I collapsed.

When I woke up this morning I was overwhelmed and overcome with emotion. I am so very fortunate. I have amazing people in my life. I can't even explain to you the amount of love I feel for my friends and my family. This morning I shared leftover recipes and Thanksgiving stories with another friend of mine. It seems silly, but it meant a lot to me.

I think we are all judged by our looks, our successes, our houses and cars... But when I think about the people I love and who love me back... I truly feel like the most blessed person alive. And I am thankful.


Blogger Bowler Hat Productions said...

I'm thankful when you write.

1:36 PM  
Blogger Ryan A said...

White-trash crab salad? Excuse me, but that's white-trash KRAB salad. And, believe me, I missed it this year (as did I miss the Stove Top Stuffing!). Also, remind Russ that if he falls asleep on the couch with his plate on the coffee table: that's a fine!

12:04 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

From now on I will always refer to it as KRAB salad.

Russ says that fine was completely unfair, as he was sick that night and got his dish into the sink within a half-hour time period. However, after being married to the guy, I think the fine should have stuck.

10:43 PM  
Blogger Russell Arch said...

However, after being married to the guy, I think the fine should have stuck?

What's that supposed to mean?! [pause] Ooooh, that I'm LAZY. Okay, I thought it was some sort of insult.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Bowler Hat Productions said...

Look, I'm just thankful when the girl drafts words (INSERT AWKWARD PAUSE HERE).

7:32 PM  

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