Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Birthdays ain't what they used to be

Well, it's after midnight so I'm officially 34.

Good, then.


When I turned 15 a bunch of my friends kidnapped me in the morning and took me to Bobby's, a greasy spoon in Woodland Hills. I was in my pajamas at about 7:00 AM, eating my weight in bacon and eggs. The night before, my mom insisted I wear a little more than normal to bed. "It's supposed to be really cold tonight", she said, hoping my friends wouldn't barge in on a naked 15-year-old at 6:45 the next morning. I didn't even question her. I just wore my flannel pj's.

That was back when I was really easy to surprise. Now I'm way too nosy and I ask too many questions. I guess that comes with age.

But I do get surprised a lot. Today I smiled at a woman in a parking lot. She and her daughter were crossing in front of my car and they both looked kind of mean. But, when I stopped, she waved and I smiled. The smile I got back from her was so big, it blew me away. That was surprising.

I'm surprised at the constant love I get from my family and friends. I'm surprised my husband still looks at me that way. I'm surprised by the way waking up to my dog is a new treat every morning. I'm surprised at how many cool people I meet in the midst of all the shitty people I meet.

I get a lot of little gifts every day. It's probably taken me about 34 years to realize that. (Well, maybe not that long). I've accumulated a whole lot of wonderful things over the years. If I told you about the people in my life... how amazing they are... you'd think I was making it up. Actually, if you're reading this, you're probably one of them so you know I'm telling the truth!

Anyway, I'm tired and I'm probably not making sense. But the point is, I don't need a party or presents to celebrate my birthday. My constant gift is my life and the people in it.

That is cornier than I thought I'd be at 34.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lisa, from just one of your legions of adoring fans. Y'know what I'd like for MY birthday? Windy City Heat on dvd!

But really, all the best! Oh, and I hope that you and your family have a wonderful, safe, and gluttonous Turkey (or Tofurkey) Day.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Michael Markowitz said...

Happy birthday, from a friend AND a fan!

1:51 PM  
Blogger James Scolari said...

making perfect, eloquent and very sweet sense, actually... who knew a philosopher lurked beneath those screwball antics?

and wait... the fifteen year-old you, sleeping naked? don't know whether to chalk it up to typically male lechery or your own mischief, but that has to be the most provocative thing to yet come from your pen!

(as Lisa thinks, "okay, ewww.")

11:26 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Okay, ewwwww.

I'm pretty sure I didn't sleep naked at 15. My mom was just making ABSOLUTELY sure that I didn't.

Okay? Ewwwww.

10:30 PM  

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