Monday, February 20, 2006


Okay, it's been nine days since I've posted. Big lapse. I feel terrible. Let's forget it ever happened.

Lately, my cat has been making me cry. Yep. That's right. You know the movie, "Broadcast News"? You know how Holly Hunter's character takes the phone off the hook in her hotel room, puts it on her lap, and cries really hard for like two minutes, then puts the phone back on the hook and goes on with her day? That's what's going on with me. Only, my cat Misty is the trigger.

It happened the first time last week. Misty is usually an outdoor cat, but lately she comes in for a week or two or three at a time, and lives in the guest room. We now refer to it as "Misty's Room", since we never really have guests.

So, I visit Misty in her room a few times a day and pet her and talk to her and play. And last week I looked at her and just started crying. Bawling, really. The thing is, I've had her and my other cat, Sonny for about 10 years now. And Misty used to be a really anti-social cat. She didn't let me pet her for the first two years. Then, she'd just let me pet her head. Then gradually she let me pet her back, and she'd even sit next to me for a minute or two. Well, over the last year, she's let me pick her up and pet her belly and practically throw her around! She even sits in a ball in the middle of my lap and lets me knead her head. She loves it! She trusts me! And that makes me happy... and maybe a little emotional.

But last week, I really looked at her. And I saw how gray she's gotten, and how old she is. And I guess it made me realize how much time has passed, and how quickly it all goes. I mean, a minute ago she was this scared, mean little kitty and now she's got this trust, and wisdom and she's... older. Even as I type this I realize how cliche' it must sound. But it's how I felt at the moment, and I lost it.

Then it happened again the other night. I was petting her and I just started crying again. And it's kind of embarrassing! But it's also kind of cathartic. And it makes me hyper aware of the fact that I'm getting older, and hopefully smarter, and I really have to start making the most of my time. I procrastinate a lot, and I want to stop doing that. It's time to get stuff going, you know?

So, there you have it. My beautiful cat, Misty is obviously trying to teach me something. She wants me to get off my ass and live life to its absolute fullest!! Or maybe she's just playing a cruel cat joke on me, and she's spraying some sort of pheromone in her room that makes people cry. Cats have been known to do that sort of thing. They're vindictive little shits.


Blogger Bowler Hat Productions said...

Exquisite. I would like to personally thank MISTY for this moving and most personal entry. I have a whole new appreciation of cats and the Lisas who learn from them.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Michael Markowitz said...

Deceptive headline aside, thank you for a lovely, lovely post. You two are lucky to have each other.

If someone would pet my head and belly, I'd never go outside again, either.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Bob - that's so gross!
She should not buy a new cat... she should get her new cat from the pound or adopt!

You're so crass about money.

2:00 PM  

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