Tuesday, July 17, 2007

31 Weeks

I'm about 155 pounds. 156 and 1/2 at the ob/gyn's office, fully clothed. In the afternoon. After eating a couple meals.

We had an ultrasound today and thank God everything looks great. He's about 4 and 1/2 pounds and seems to be right on track. We even got a 3-D picture of Sesame's face, and it looks like he might have Russ' nose. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!

Russ and I got back a few days ago from Oregon... Our last trip to see his whole family before he and I are a whole family. We drove up there with Bogie, stopping in Sacramento on the way up and on the way back. Doctor's orders were to get out and walk for at least 5 to 10 minutes every two hours of the road trip, so what would normally be a twelve to thirteen hour total trip time turned into about 15 and 1/2 hours split up between two days. But it was very enjoyable. We're good at road tripping.

We spent four days on Russ' folks' farm and had an incredible time. There was a lot of food, a lot of family time, and a lot of watching Bogie barking at cows and running full speed into open fields. We don't get to see him do that stuff very much in the San Fernando Valley. I even got a few minutes here and there to take in the fresh air, take in some deep breaths, and reflect. It was pretty great.

Last night Deena asked me if I'm excited. "About what?", I asked. "About the baby!!", she replied. I realized I hadn't really thought about it in those terms yet. I mean, here I am getting all ready for this baby, and the truth is I have no idea what to expect. A stranger is coming to live here. We have his room completely ready. We even have some toys and clothes for him. But we don't know who he is, what he's like... Heck, we don't even know his name!

I do have a connection to him, but so far it's just a connection to the form he's in now. I talk to him. When he kicks I say, "Good job, buddy!" When he kicks me in the ribs I say, "Take it easy, dude!" I rub my belly. I sing "Dream a Little Dream" to him in the shower. I pray about him, I dream about him... But I have no idea what to expect when he's actually here.

So, "excited" is not an emotion I'm completely in touch with right now. Expectant. Curious. Nervous. Hopeful. Scared. These are more in line with what I'm feeling. I think more than ever I'm taking things one day at a time. Right now I'm concentrating on the pregnancy, trying to stay as healthy as possible for me and for Sesame. And I'm readying my life as much as possible for what's to come. But it won't be until he's actually out of my uterus and in my arms that I can really, truly start thinking about what life will be like with him.

I'll tell you one thing, though. I'm getting more ready for him every day. Russ and I both are. I just don't want to have too many preconceived notions about what life will be like once he's here. That's the beauty of humans. You never know what they're going to give to you. I'm excited about the last couple months of this pregnancy. I'm looking forward to being awed by what comes after that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Magical time, these last few precious weeks before your son first looks into your eyes. Thank you both for sharing the journey! Be well and yes, breathe! Love, AL

11:48 PM  
Blogger Bowler Hat Productions said...

I plan to use the image of you singing "Dream a Little Dream" to your boy in the shower throughout the course of my day. Sounds like you're much more on top of the work part of it now... which should FREE YOU UP TO SPEND MORE TIME GETTING EXCITED!!!


I know I'M excited.

6:45 AM  
Blogger Bowler Hat Productions said...

Russ' nose!

7:22 AM  
Blogger Niki said...

"I do have a connection to him, but so far it's just a connection to the form he's in now. I talk to him. When he kicks I say, "Good job, buddy!" When he kicks me in the ribs I say, "Take it easy, dude!" I rub my belly. I sing "Dream a Little Dream" to him in the shower. I pray about him, I dream about him... But I have no idea what to expect when he's actually here."

^ i love that paragraph. its so cute. i actually had an emotioanal connection haha, my eyes started to tear up because it is so cute & sweet. you rock! i cannot wait for you! i am way too excited!

-yr biggest fan/ niki!!!!!!!

2:42 PM  

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