Wednesday, September 05, 2007

38 Weeks, Wednesday

Still 165.6 this morning and 168 at the doctor's.

During my last couple of appointments my OB/GYN asked if I wanted to be induced or if I'd rather wait for it to happen. Both times I've said I'd rather wait. Both times he seemed a tad surprised and maybe even a tad impressed. I might just be reading into it, though. So, the news as of today is that I have two appointments next week for a non-stress test. My actual due date (according to the doctor) is Tuesday, Sept. 11th (Don't worry... Good things need to happen on that date too!) so I'm going in on Monday and Thursday.

The basic point of a non-stress test is to make sure the baby is reactive. They hook you up to a couple of monitors, one to measure the baby's heart rate and one to measure contractions. The baby's heart rate is supposed to go up when he moves, so they just want to make sure that's happening. His heart rate should also go up with any contractions. I guess as you get close to and past your due date, there is a risk of your placenta not getting as much oxygen to the fetus, or your amniotic fluid getting low. So basically he just wants to make sure the baby is fine to stay in there a while longer.

However! Yes, there is a however. However, if I carry all the way to September 18th which is one week past my due date, I shall be induced. I truly hope he comes out on his own MUCH earlier than the 18th. Induction sounds weird and scary to me because it seems like they sort of force your body to do something it's not ready for. Anyway, I'm hopeful he'll come out on his own terms.

Otherwise, I am a whole new kind of exhausted. I went out to eat after my appointment, and was planning to get a few things at Target right after. I need to round out my hospital bag and get some things we'll need when we get home from the hospital as well. So, I came home just to lie down for a minute before I went shopping and ended up sleeping two hours and not leaving the house again. I swear it's like zombies have eaten my brain and left me with a giant gut and over-active sweat glands. I did get a second wind tonight so I managed to get some laundry done. The house is a mess, so I'm trying to be in control of at least SOME household chores.

Also, typing has become much more difficult! I'm usually a very fast typist and make very few mistakes. These entries are now taking me twice as long to do because I'M A ZOMBIE! WEREN'T YOU PAYING ATTENTION?

Lastly, waves of excitement, panic, terror, joy, panic, fear, extreme happiness, panic, and excitement keep crashing over me. I am overcome with emotions. Wow. That's the word that keeps popping into my head. Wow.


Blogger Bowler Hat Productions said...

He LIKES it in there!

Spoke with him telekinetic-ally. He's waiting for the new season of "Curb" to start. He also says he hopes he can wait out the Bush Administration... but he doesn't think that'll happen, which is fine by him. He knows the world's a horrible place but he also knows he's in Mommy and Daddy's good hands.

And don't get me started on the zombie shit...

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zombiesque: first month; both parents.

Housework: unknown and unimportant last month before-first several months afterward. Save your energy!

Joy: unlimited and beyond description for all time!

Love, AL

12:17 PM  

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