31 Weeks, Thursday
6:00 AM. Not a time I'm too familiar with unless I'm working and three alarm clocks have gone off. It seems sleep is becoming less and less familiar to my changing body. I'm exhausted by 10:00, in bed by 11:00, and waking up earlier every day. For a while my eyes were popping open at 8:00, then 7:30 the last few days. Today? 6:00.
I could probably fall back to sleep but I inevitably have to pee for the fourth time, plus I have a back ache, sciatic pain, and what feels like a cramp starting in my right leg. Not to mention, I'm STARVING! So, I get up with the hopes that I'll pee, eat, then go back to bed. It's now 7:39. I might give it a shot, but I'm probably up for the day. It's not all bad... I've already done a load of laundry!
Tonight is our second birthing class. Last week as Russ and I were getting out of the car with our required blanket and two pillows, he laughed and said, "This is what our lives have become." I laughed too, dreading the room full of pregnant women and their birthing partners. It all started looking up when we noticed two boisterous, giggling blonds following us down the long hallway toward the "women's pavilion" area of the hospital. I turned around to see what was so funny and Male Blond said, "We sure hope you know where you're going because we're following you!" I said I thought we knew and we all sort of started walking together. The giggling did not stop.
"OK. What's so funny?", I finally inquired. "We just can't believe we're doing this. It seems so stupid", says Male Blond. "We feel the same way", says I. "It's all so silly." We finally made it to the room we were supposed to enter and they just kept laughing. "You guys can NOT sit near us," I said, "We'll get in way too much trouble."
We ended up sitting across from The Blonds which was perfect for eye rolling at each other every time an idiotic, time-wasting question was asked by the guy with the pony tail. The Blonds had a lot of questions of their own, but they were for every one's benefit. For the most part, the two-and-a-half-hour class was informative and helpful. I'm definitely happy we're going.
After class, we hooked up with The Blonds. He's a larger-than-life Texan and she's an adorable school teacher. We found out they lost a pregnancy three years ago in a devastating way, and now they are having their first child. I think we're due around the same time. They're slightly older than we are, and just as clueless about what's going to happen. I bet one of these weeks we'll grab a bite before class.
Tonight we'll be practicing breathing through pain. I think she said something about holding an ice cube. We'll also be watching another video. Last week's was a birth that highlighted the importance of the Birthing Partner. I hope Russ knows how much I'm looking forward to going through this with him. It makes it a whole lot less terrifying knowing he'll be there holding my hand, and possibly my hair while I puke into a bed pan.
I could probably fall back to sleep but I inevitably have to pee for the fourth time, plus I have a back ache, sciatic pain, and what feels like a cramp starting in my right leg. Not to mention, I'm STARVING! So, I get up with the hopes that I'll pee, eat, then go back to bed. It's now 7:39. I might give it a shot, but I'm probably up for the day. It's not all bad... I've already done a load of laundry!
Tonight is our second birthing class. Last week as Russ and I were getting out of the car with our required blanket and two pillows, he laughed and said, "This is what our lives have become." I laughed too, dreading the room full of pregnant women and their birthing partners. It all started looking up when we noticed two boisterous, giggling blonds following us down the long hallway toward the "women's pavilion" area of the hospital. I turned around to see what was so funny and Male Blond said, "We sure hope you know where you're going because we're following you!" I said I thought we knew and we all sort of started walking together. The giggling did not stop.
"OK. What's so funny?", I finally inquired. "We just can't believe we're doing this. It seems so stupid", says Male Blond. "We feel the same way", says I. "It's all so silly." We finally made it to the room we were supposed to enter and they just kept laughing. "You guys can NOT sit near us," I said, "We'll get in way too much trouble."
We ended up sitting across from The Blonds which was perfect for eye rolling at each other every time an idiotic, time-wasting question was asked by the guy with the pony tail. The Blonds had a lot of questions of their own, but they were for every one's benefit. For the most part, the two-and-a-half-hour class was informative and helpful. I'm definitely happy we're going.
After class, we hooked up with The Blonds. He's a larger-than-life Texan and she's an adorable school teacher. We found out they lost a pregnancy three years ago in a devastating way, and now they are having their first child. I think we're due around the same time. They're slightly older than we are, and just as clueless about what's going to happen. I bet one of these weeks we'll grab a bite before class.
Tonight we'll be practicing breathing through pain. I think she said something about holding an ice cube. We'll also be watching another video. Last week's was a birth that highlighted the importance of the Birthing Partner. I hope Russ knows how much I'm looking forward to going through this with him. It makes it a whole lot less terrifying knowing he'll be there holding my hand, and possibly my hair while I puke into a bed pan.
Good news. The Early Worm also managed to yank this most awesome entry out of you. The Blonds!
It appears, in this new phase of your life, you'll be finding nothing BUT kinship 'long the way...
Very encouraging.
So begins the "making friends through your kids" phase of life. A great way to meet new people, unless Sesame befriends the offspring of assholes.
Also: Impress your nurses and request an emesis basin if hair-holding becomes necessary. A bedpan is for the other end. :)
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